Have you ever wondered what the recirculation button in your car is and how to use it? Most of our vehicles have a recirculation button close to the AC controls in their cars. But many of us are unsure when and how to use it.
Well, the answer fluctuates like the weather, but most people agree to use it in the summer and turn it off in the winter. The explanation follows.
The recirculation button functions simply to close off the outside air and take the air from inside the car and recirculate it instead of pulling fresh air from outside. On hot sweltering summer days when it is miserably hot outside, if you do not engage the recirculate button to recirculate the cooler air in the cabin, then your AC system is constantly pulling hot air from outside of the car and trying to cool it. When you use the recirculation feature, your car will cool faster and will decrease the pull on your AC system. If your car has been parked in the sun, it's always better to roll the windows down first and turn the recirculate option off for a few minutes to get rid of the super-hot air inside the car before turning the recirculate on.
Also, regardless of the season, any time you are stuck in traffic, in a parking lot, or around other running vehicles, be sure the recirculate button is engaged. When you are pulling air from outside, you are also pulling in all the pollutants and carbon monoxide from all the vehicles. Studies show that by using the recirculating feature on your AC you can cut down on the pollutants entering your vehicle by 20% when stuck in traffic!
I hope this information has been helpful! If you are in need of a new vehicle, please reach out to me! I would love to help you!
Remember: Les says yes !!!!
Les Desadier
(479) 903-2894
Car Solutions 4 U